the PRO BRO Franchise
A PRO BRO franchise is your opportunity to become a successful business owner. You will be backed by a strong brand and a proven business system, so you can get started with 100% confidence.
we will take care of everything!
Liquid capital
Net worth
1,5m Eur Full Ownership
2m Eur Full Ownership
1m Eur Lease
1,5m Eur Lease
We handle the rest
We approve the best location
We control the building process
We install the equipment and business management tools
We supply supplies, chemicals and spare parts
We provide anything else you might need
We assist with your grand opening
Franchise fees
  • from €100k*
    Initial franchise fee
  • 4%
  • from 1%*
    National brand fund
  • from €1M
  • *
    Royalties and fees may vary depending on the agreed development market and schedule. Other fees are included in the agreement and may vary based on the services selected from PRO BRO.
Site models
Capacity 220+ cars per hour
Land required 3,000 + m²
Tunnel length 42 m
Employees needed 7-8
Capacity 160 + cars per hour
Land required 2,000 + m²
Tunnel length 30 m
Employees needed 6-7
Capacity 100 + cars per hour
Land required 1,500 + m²
Tunnel length 24 m
Employees needed 4-5
Capacity 60 + cars per hour
Land required 900 + m²
Tunnel length 18 m
Employees needed 3-4
Capacity 60+ cars per hour
Land required 1,500+ m²
Tunnel length 36 m
Employees needed 12-16
Easy to run
Thanks to self-loading entrance module supplied with a large LCD screen providing clear instructions customers can load themselves without an attendant in the wash bay.
PRO BRO buildings feature attractive layouts and expansive glass construction, creating an enjoyable washing experience with natural light and bright car wash bays. Every design decision is made thoughtfully to provide a customer experience that encourages repeat visits and helps you maximize the revenue from your investment.
Easy entrance & exit, different pay lanes: with cashier and for unlimited membership plan owners, and traffic loading pattern.
Extremely powerful drying zone for excellent finish of the wash process.
Extremely powerful drying zone for excellent finish of the wash process
PRO BRO buildings feature attractive layouts and expansive glass construction, creating an enjoyable washing experience with natural light and bright car wash bays. Every design decision is made thoughtfully to provide a customer experience that encourages repeat visits and helps you maximize the revenue from your investment.
Easy entrance & exit, different pay lanes: with cashier and for unlimited membership plan owners, and traffic loading pattern.
Easy to run
Thanks to self-loading entrance module supplied with a large LCD screen providing clear instructions customers can load themselves without an attendant in the wash bay.
Extremely powerful drying zone for excellent finish of the wash process
PRO BRO buildings feature attractive layouts and expansive glass construction, creating an enjoyable washing experience with natural light and bright car wash bays. Every design decision is made thoughtfully to provide a customer experience that encourages repeat visits and helps you maximize the revenue from your investment.
Easy entrance & exit, different pay lanes: with cashier and for unlimited membership plan owners, and traffic loading pattern.
Easy to run
Thanks to self-loading entrance module supplied with a large LCD screen providing clear instructions customers can load themselves without an attendant in the wash bay.
Extremely powerful drying zone for excellent finish of the wash process
PRO BRO buildings feature attractive layouts and expansive glass construction, creating an enjoyable washing experience with natural light and bright car wash bays. Every design decision is made thoughtfully to provide a customer experience that encourages repeat visits and helps you maximize the revenue from your investment.
Easy entrance & exit, different pay lanes: with cashier and for unlimited membership plan owners, and traffic loading pattern.
Easy to run
Thanks to self-loading entrance module supplied with a large LCD screen providing clear instructions customers can load themselves without an attendant in the wash bay.
land requirements
Good traffic count
Preferably 5,000+ cars passing per hour
Densely populated
60,000+ inhabitants within 10 mins drive of land plot
Easily accessible
Easy to enter and exit from major roads
Adjacent to major roads with good visibility
Close to retail
Near shopping centers or other popular retail or service locations
Lower speed limit areas
Adjacent to roads with speed limits no higher than 70km/h
At junctions or intersections
If possible, the plot is near traffic lights and / or on the corner of a junction
In a growing city
The plot is located in a city or urban area with a growing population

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